Friday, 28 November 2014




oachira vrischikam panthrandu vilakku celebrates with all its beauty and tradition
lakhs of people visit oachira parabrahma temple today on 28/11/2014 and they with their prayers gaining all the blessings from the lord parabrahma( oachira valiyachan) and go home very happy and safely with their family . twelve days is equal to twelve months in an year. live the then life with the this blessings till next vrischikam month to come

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


 ഓച്ചിറ ചന്ദ്രൻ


oachira festivals ,vrischikam

vrischikam celebrations in oachira temple is one of the great festivals season in onattukara. mostly visited temple in kerala

ഓച്ചിറ പരബ്രഹ്മ  ക്ഷേത്രം 

Monday, 24 November 2014

oachira festivals

oachira is in very happy moment on the eighth day of vrischikam month. thousands of peoples visiting here with family and friends. the speciality of oachira is that anyone can enjoy the festivals of oachira.Here accommodate all kind enthusiastic measures for all kind of peoples with different age group. twelve days of ecstatic mood in

.oachira. Now a days oachira go through different cultures and manners from people all over India as businessmen or temple visitors.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

oachira vrischikam

oachira in vrischikam 

oachira vrischikam 2014

ഓം  പരഹ്ബ്രമായ  നമ:

today is vrischikam 7th day in oachira . the special Sunday.
mostly visit by professionals and executives. So business should be great in this day.The climatic conditions are also well

Friday, 21 November 2014

oachira vrischikam 2014

Today  ,the most celebrating only Saturday in the vrischikam 12  days.
But unfortunately the starting with rain . the festival in oachira is half days pass today. businessmen are waiting for this day and tomorrow . most people rushes to oachira

Sunday, 16 November 2014

oachira vrischikam 2014

today vrischikam first day in oachira temple . the festival of 12 days starts today
thousands of people visit oachira temple today and will be by many more in the afternoon
 for the coming days there should be more specialities in oachira parabrahma sannidhi.
 many shops and amusement parks are also there to enjoy the crowds with their children and family.
many programmes are also in the auditorium through out the day and night.more over the  first day is very happy and enthusiastic


ഓം   പരബ്രഹ്മായ നമ:   

 വൃശ്ചിക ആശംസ നേരുന്നു 

Sunday, 5 October 2014

28th onam

oachira had celebrated oachira  irupethiyettaam onam on 04th oct 2104 very proudly. Lakhs of people visited oachira to see the kettukazhchas from various karas and samathis.people without age limits enjoyed the kaala kettu in oachira as it was in earlier years. tallest ever nandikeshan from mabrakannel was the centre of attraction in this year . The celebration of oachira irupethiyettam onam was the glorious remembrance of the of the faithful submission of ploughing cattles to oachira parabrahmam  ,after the harvesting period in chingam month by the oanattukara peoples. The submission is for the benefit of the coming year's bright harvest .kettukazhchas are the mind and body of all the peoples in the various karas.

ഇരുപെത്തെട്ടാം ഓണാശംസകൾ

Friday, 3 October 2014

onam in oachira

 ഇരുപെത്തിയെട്ടാം  ഓണാശംസകൾ 

Sunday, 7 September 2014

onam 2014

ellavarkkum hridyamaya oru onam aashamsikkunnu ഓണം  ആശംസകൾ 

Monday, 18 August 2014

oachira nakshtra vanam

A new project was started in Oachira on 17/08/2014, The "nakshtra vanam" inagurated by Hon: minister sri Ramesh chennithala.There planted 27 different plants based on the Zodiacs in the hindu history.Those who born on the particular zodiacs should care and watering the plants on  there zodiac names. how much care you give to those plants with your zodiacs can increase your luck and future benefits,always good for nature. So from here after should visit the oachira temple and identify the plant on your zodiac and watering it or put some fertlizers to it.

                       OHM PARABRAHMAYA NAMAH

Sunday, 15 June 2014


Today midhunam 1st ,oachira kali satarted today with all the beauty in its historically renowned background. the kalari gurukkal and the fighters from all the karas were split into two groups to eastern and western group fight in the ettukandams and the kara kalli.very happy moment is oachira padanilam was exempted from rain today.



Friday, 30 May 2014

oachira kali 2014

oachira padanilam is eagerly waiting for the coming oachira kali in the renowned ettukandam. kalari aashans and kara nadhans are gettting ready to make up their  shishyas for the payattu and kali in the the ettukandam.oachira kali will be in june 15 and 16 ,(midhunam 1&2 ) respectively.

Thursday, 27 February 2014


Today in oachira the great mahasivarathri  celebrations go on.this year's celebration has many specialities than past years.some kettukaalas are ready to step up the devotees mind